Release 1.0-2.29.0

New Features - Custom Fields Library & Part-Level / Part-Supplier Level custom fields

Support for Custom Field library is now live! With the new release, there are few API changes:

Once you create the custom field, you may associate them with any Parts or Part-Supplier record. The format for specifying the custom field(s) for each record is as follow (under each API call payload format accordingly):

{ "part_supplier": { "custom": [ { "field": { "id": 12 }, "value": "blue" } ] }


Under Parts and Suppliers API Endpoints, we will deprecate the “part_identifiers” array of objects field and Supplier Identifiers API calls. Please use the new “custom” array of objects field as specified above for updating the custom fields of each record.


In addition, the standardized Parts Identifiers (UPC, ISBN, ASIN, HTS Code) are moved to be a stand-alone field in the payload.

{ "part": { "asin": "123456", "hts_code": "123456", "isbn": "123456", "upc": "123456" } }

Please note that since “part_identifiers” field would be deprecated, the API call would return the following error should both “part_identifiers” and “custom” fields be specified in the same payload:

{ "message": "Encountered validation error(s)", "validation_errors": [ { "params": [ "part[part_identifiers]", "part[custom]" ], "messages": [ "are mutually exclusive" ] } ] }


It is recommended to use “custom” field only, instead of “part_identifiers”, moving forward.


Github details:

  • Custom Fields (Part/PartSupplier) ( by nedcampion)