JUMP TOAnvyl APIStatus/v1/statusgetTeamsGet existing team recordsgetDelete a specific single team asynchronouslypostGet a specific single teamgetUpdate a specific single teampatchOrdersAn assembly order collection groups multiple purchase order components into an assemblypostSplit a single purchase order into multiple purchase order(s)postGet existing payment termsgetCreate new payment termspostGet specific single payment termsgetUpdate specific payment termspatchGet existing purchase ordersgetCreate new purchase order recordpostUpdate timeline for an active orderpatchUpdate workflow for an inactive or draft orderpatch[Deprecated] Indicate a delay to delivery on purchase orderpost[Deprecated] Confirm delivery date on purchase orderpost[Deprecated] Indicate a delay to shipment on purchase orderpost[Deprecated] Confirm shipment date on purchase orderpost[REMOVED] Indicate a delay to shipping date on purchase orderpost[REMOVED] Confirm shipping date on purchase orderpost[Deprecated] Indicate a delay to the start of production on purchase orderpost[Deprecated] Confirm start of production on purchase orderpost[Deprecated] Rejects initial purchase orderpost[Deprecated] Confirm initial purchase orderpostCancel purchase orderpostIssue purchase orderpostGet a specific single purchase ordergetDeletes a purchase orderdeleteUpdates a specific single purchase orderpatchGet records for tracking purchase order logisticsgetCreate a record to track purchase order logisticpostGet specific single logistics tracking recordgetUpdate specific logistics tracking recordpatchGet list of order collectionsgetRetrieves a list of milestones associated with an ordergetDelay a milestonepostConfirm a milestonepostGet a specific single order milestonegetDelay a workflow milestonepostConfirm a workflow milestonepostGet associated order itemsgetCreate associated order itempostGet associated order itemgetRemove associated order itemdeleteUpdate associated order itempatchEstimated dates on order schedulegetRetrieves a list of parts associated with ordergetRetrieves a list of tasks associated with ordergetGet list of order collectionsgetUpdate a purchase order collectionpatchIssue purchase orderspostUpdate a split order collectionpatchDelete an order collection and archive purchase ordersdeleteUpdate a Assembly Order CollectionpatchBulk import purchase orderspostCollaboratorsGet list of collaboratorsgetConnectorsGet existing connectorsgetCreate new connectorpostGet a specific single connectorgetUpdate a specific single connectorpatchSuppliersGet a list of custom identifiers (Deprecated; use custom fields)getBulk import supplierspostGet a list of suppliersgetCreate new supplier recordpostFind a specific supplier by IDgetRemoves a specific single supplierdeleteUpdates a specific single supplierpatchPartsGet existing part recordsgetCreate new part recordpostGet a specific single partgetRemove partdeleteUpdate a specific single partpatchGet associated suppliersgetCreate association with supplierpostGet associated part-supplier relationshipgetDelete a specific part-supplier relationshipdeleteUpdate associated part-supplier relationshippatchGet quantity detailsgetCreate quantity details recordpostGet specific quantity detail informationgetRemove quantity detail informationdeleteUpdate quantity detail informationpatchGet supplier identities (Deprecated; use custom fields)getCreate supplier identifier record (Deprecated; use custom fields)postGet specific supplier identifier (Deprecated; use custom fields)getRemove supplier identifier (Deprecated; use custom fields, removes the custom field value associated)deleteUpdate supplier identifier information (Deprecated; use custom fields)patchGet associated parent partsgetCreate an association with a parent partpostGet associated parent partgetRemoves parent part associationdeleteBulk import partspostImportsImport part and supplierspostteamsGet associated data source informationgetCreate a reference to associated data sourcepostGet reference to associated data sourcegetRemoves reference to associated data sourcedeleteGet associated data source informationgetCreate a reference to associated data sourcepostGet reference to associated data sourcegetRemoves reference to associated data sourcedeleteGet associated data source informationgetCreate a reference to associated data sourcepostGet reference to associated data sourcegetRemoves reference to associated data sourcedeleteCustom FieldsGet existing custom fieldgetCreate new custom fieldpostGet specific single custom fieldgetUpdate specific custom fieldpatchUpdate custom field valueputShipmentsGet existing shipment recordsgetCreate new shipment recordpostGet existing shipment recordsgetCreate new shipment recordpostGet a specific single shipmentgetUpdate a specific single shipmentpatchGet existing shipment routegetCreate shipment route including legs and waypointspostUpdate shipment route including legs and waypointspatchBulk import shipmentspostOrderMilestoneConfigs[DEPRECATED] Get existing order milestone configurationsgetReportingGet reporting records for ordersgetGet reporting records for partsgetGet reporting records for suppliersgetGet reporting records for order itemsgetRulesGet existing rulesgetCreate new rulepostDeactivate a rulepatchArchive a rulepatchActivate a rulepatchGet a specific single rulegetUpdate a specific single rulepatchShipment ConsolidationsGet a shipment consolidationgetDelete a shipment consolidationdeleteEdit a shipment consolidationpatchGet a shipment consolidation ordergetDelete a shipment consolidation orderdeleteEdit a shipment consolidation orderpatchGet a shipment consolidation order itemgetDelete a shipment consolidation order itemdeleteGet shipment consolidation order itemsgetCreate a new shipment consolidation orderpostGet shipment consolidation ordersgetCreate a new shipment consolidation orderpostGet logistics trackings associated with a shipment consolidationgetCreate a logistics tracking for a shipment consolidationpostDelete a logistics trackingdeleteUpdate logistics trackingpatchGet shipment consolidationsgetCreate a new shipment consolidation recordpostLocationsGet existing ship to locationsgetCreate a new ship to location recordpostGet a specific single ship to locationgetDelete a specific single ship to locationdeleteUpdates a specific single ship to locationpatchBulk import ship to location recordspostDelete a specific single payment termdeleteFactoriesBatch creates factory recordspostRetrieves a list of factoriesgetCreate new factory recordpostFind a specific factory by IDgetDelete a specific single factorydeleteUpdates a specific single factorypatchContactsBatch create new contact recordspostGet a list of contactsgetCreate new contact recordpostFind a specific contact by IDgetDelete a specific single contactdeleteUpdates a specific single contactpatchTasksGet existing task recordsgetCreate new task recordpostComment on a taskpatchReopen a taskpatchArchive a taskpatchComplete a taskpatchGet a specific single taskgetUpdate a specific single taskpatchUsersGet existing user recordsgetGet a specific single usergetTrackedShipmentsGet existing tracked shipment recordsgetCreate new tracked shipment recordpostGet a specific single tracked shipmentgetSettingsUpdate users team settingspatchInvoicesGet existing invoice recordsgetGet a specific single invoicegetWebhooksBulk import webhookspostGet list of webhooksgetCreate new webhookpostFind a specific webhook by IDgetRemove webhookdeleteUpdate a specific webhook by IDpatchWorkflowsGet Existing WorkflowsgetGet a specific workflowgetPowered by Cancel purchase orderpost https://api.anvyl.com/api/v1/teams/{team_id}/purchase_orders/{order_id}/cancelCancel purchase order