Response payload

Common properties of a webhook response

Every webhook response will contain the following common properties

event_idStringThe unique identifier for the event.
event_nameStringThe name of the event trigger. E.g. PartCreated
timestampStringThe ISO8601 DateTime formatted string when the event occurred. E.g.
dataObjectUnique information about the event.
team_idIntegerTeam ID

Data payload of a webhook response

The data portion of the webhook payload contains the following common properties as well as contextual data unique to the event.

idIntegerThe ID of the entity that the event is tied to. E.g. if the event is PartCreated, this is the Part ID.
subject_idIntegerThe user ID associated with the event trigger.
contextObjectSet of dynamic name/value pairs of the resource properties that have either been touched or updated as a result of the event.

The following is an example of a webhook payload when a supplier contact has been updated:

  "event_id": "d55d143c-1666-4808-aac7-540935521118",
  "event_name": "DirectorySupplierUpdated",
  "timestamp": "2020-06-11T00:07:27.000000+00:00",
  "data": {
    "id": 1519,
    "subject_id": 1427,
    "context": [
       "name": "saved_changes",
       "value": {
         "name": [
           "Abernathy, Keebler, and Donnelly",
           "Abernathy, Keebler, Darth, and Donnelly"
          "updated_at": [
       "name": "name",
       "value": "Abernathy, Keebler, Darth, and Donnelly"
       "name": "address_line1",
       "value": "18267 Davis Hills"
       "name": "phone",
       "value": "(587) 043-3503"
       "name": "notes",
       "value": "<CONFIDENTIAL_NOTES>"
       "name": "team_id",
       "value": 245
       "name": "created_at",
       "value": "2020-05-08 19:48:41 UTC"
       "name": "updated_at",
       "value": "2020-06-11 00:07:27 UTC"
  "team_id": 245